All Vertex packages are strictly non-refundable. If members are unsure if they are able to finish their package within the validity period, we recommend a smaller package.
The package will be activated when it is being used to book into a class - this includes a class being booked and cancelled at a later time. The activation date will be set once a class is being booked.
Packages will automatically expire within 30 days if not activated, unless otherwise stated on the specific package terms and conditions.
All our packages have an expiry date and are strictly not extendable.
If a member has an irregular schedule or travels a lot, we recommend purchasing a smaller package.
If a member misses a class without cancelling before the cancellation window, the member will be considered as a NO SHOW, and the credit will be deducted.
If a member is unfit and is unable to attend the class, kindly write to with the subject “NO SHOW WAIVER”. Members will need to attach a medical certificate/doctor’s letter stating that clearly with the member’s full name and the date.
Members need to email to Vertex with the necessary attachments within 24 hours after the class.
Email requests sent after the 24 hours window will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Vertex Management has the right to reject the request.
If the request is approved, a credit will be returned to the member's account and reflected as “Credit Return” and valid for 14 days of the credit.
If a member is unable to exercise for any medical reasons, please email us at with a doctor’s letter/memo to request a package freeze with the subject “PACKAGE FREEZE”.
If a member is travelling for more than 14 days and would like to freeze a package, please email us with the travel itinerary with the subject “PACKAGE FREEZE”. Please note that an administrative fee of $20 will be incurred per package.
All requests will be considered on a case by case basis, and are subjected to approval by Vertex Management.
Only for Full-Time students below the age of 26.
Valid Student ID must be presented to purchase the package.
First Timers at Vertex Spin Studio MUST attend a minimum of 1 “Foundation 60” class.
Package valid according to each package T&C.
Package will automatically expire 30 days from purchase if not activated.
Package cannot be shared.
Member must comply with all Vertex T&C stated on our website
Packages purchased cannot in any event be refunded, whether in parts or in full.
Packages purchased cannot be changed to any other type of packages.
Packages purchased are strictly non-transferable.
Vertex Studio reserves the right to change the T&C without prior notice.
Members are to be respectful to all Vertex staff.
Vertex instructors have the right to stop any member from participating in class if it may cause any injury or harm to the member or other members.
Members attending classes are expected to be in general good health, and are cleared by doctors to attend any classes at Vertex.
“First Timers” are referred to as a new member to Vertex Studio. All first timers must attend a minimum of 1 “Foundation 60” class.
Foundation 60 is broken down into two parts - first 15 minutes and next 45 minutes. The class is designed to introduce members to Vertex, rhythm cycling class and the start of their fitness journey.
Class Format
First 15 minutes of class - the instructor will introduce the foundation of the bike to members and guide members on their bike settings, clipping on the pedal and basics of a rhythm cycling class.
Next 45 minutes of class - The class.
If members do not need the foundation, members can be at the lounge while the foundation is being conducted. The instructor will invite the rest of the members into the cycling room for setup and class will begin.
Vertex reserves the right to make any changes to class timings and types of classes.
Vertex reserves the right to close the studio for any maintenance or improvement or any other reasons whether the whole or part of the studio. Members will not claim any compensation, damages or any replacement in kind.
Vertex reserves the rights to open and clear the contents of lockers if they are not cleared at the end of each day. The contents will be placed in lost and found. Lost and found will be cleared every Friday.
Vertex will not be responsible or liable for any loss, theft or damages of members’ items left in Vertex premises.
Any Vertex’s properties that are damaged or taken out of the studio may result in the member’s termination of any membership and Vertex reserves the right to take legal actions.
Vertex Studio reserves the to change the T&C without prior notice.
Members arrive 15 minutes before class to check-in.
5 minutes before class, other members are allowed to swap to your bike if you are not checked in.
3 minutes after the classes have started, entry will be denied and credit will be forfeited. Members can use the credit to book into the next class
Use of electronic devices is not allowed once the class has started.
Please drop the cycling shoes and towels after your classes.
We definitely want our members to post their selfies/videos in the cycling room, but take them before and during class not during the class.
Classes will be available for bookings at 9:30pm, 8 days in advance.
For example; class is on 8 January at 9pm, booking for the class will be available on 1 January at 9:30pm.
If a member is unable to attend a class that was booked, kindly cancel the class 12 hours before the class. Cancellations less than 12 hours prior to the class will be ONE credit loss.
For example; you booked for a 9pm class and wish to cancel, you need to cancel the class at 9am.
If a member is on the waitlist of a class, members will be notified through email if they are booked into the class.
Waitlist will expire 2 hours before the class and members can do a walk-in and be on a physical waitlist.
Cancellation policy applies.
We care for members safety and want the best bike setup for your best performance, First Timers must attend a “Foundation 60” class as their first class with Vertex before enjoying the other class types.